Express Entry on Healthcare 28th August, Express Entry on Healthcare 30th August


Non-EU nationals working in Hungary usually need a work permit (except as directors under certain conditions). Many clients are not aware that the first step in this process is finding a position and signing a labor contract – and many employers are not clear on the procedure and need our help. Please consult us if you’re looking to be employed in Hungary or plan on employing a non-EU citizen!

Working in Hungary

While EU nationals working in Hungary do not need work visas, non-EU citizens generally require a permit to work. This is true whether they are employed with a Hungarian company through a labor contract, or with their own company. The only exception is for non-EU nationals doing business in Hungary who work for their own business as directors. If the director, however, does any work in the company that is not related to management (e.g. in a one-person programming firm where the director also works as a programmer), he may need to apply for a work permit. To be absolutely sure and to avoid unpleasant surprises or delays, it is best to speak to an immigration expert.

Work permit application

The work permit application is currently done as part of the residency application through the Hungarian immigration office. The procedure must start with a valid labor contract between the applicant and a Hungarian company – it is not possible to apply for a work permit in advance and look for a job later. The procedure is quite complex and time-consuming, so make sure you speak to us if you are planning to work in Hungary or are looking to employ a foreigner.

  • Work permit & resident permit*: EUR 4,200
  • Intra-corporate transfer: EUR 4,200
  • As of January 2014, there is a single permit that unites what were formerly known as work permit and residency for employment purposes. As such, clients seeking to settle in Hungary for the purposes of employment will need only this one procedure
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